Financing Sustainable Businesses In Africa

Impact Investment firm that seeks to bridge the gap between startup to early-stage funding which we raise through engagement with private investors, philanthropy community and corporates. The firm also provides consultancy and advisory services within the imapct investment space.

We've worked with

We are Umbai Impact

Umbai Impact Fund creates spaces for young Africans with business ideas to connect with financers through various means.

Why we exist.

African has the most youthful population in the world. According to the Huffing Post 60% of Africa’s population is under 25 years old. There is a massive need for jobs and a great opportunity to canvas the young people’s energy and innovation to promote businesses and foster job creation.

The current education system in most African countries is designed to create employees yet there are great opportunities for young Africans to be entrepreneurs. Africa needs fewer employees and more employers and job creators.

To this end UIF is well positioned to identify and finance the best startups and SMEs and create an ecosystem where the startups receive relevant support to increase their chances of success.

Who we are?

Umbai is a Shona word that means to create or to build. We are an African impact investment fund, consultancy and advisory firm that seeks to bridge the gap between startup to early-stage funding which we raise through engagement with private investors, philanthropy community and corporates

Our view of the future is bright.

Through partnership with catalyst within impact investment, investment ecosystem, we believe in an Africa continent free from, aid, poverty, conflict and division, a United Africa thriving through local business and a vibrate youth with lucrative business and employ opportunities on the continent.

Umbai Impact's

There is a massive need for jobs and a great opportunity to canvas the young people’s energy and innovation to promote businesses and foster job creation.

Building Partnerships

Networking within the Impact investment space, creating  relationships collaborations, providing advisory services. Engagement with cooperate sector, businesses and donor development sector, NGO sector, government of Zimbabwe,  educational institutions.

Building Business

Umbai Impact Fund will promote startup growth by providing managerial and, strategic advice and supporting startups to build strong teams and tech supported operational systems. This will be done in-house and in collaboration with partner organizations and business entities. We will also strengthen the opportunities for the business  entities to receive funding and investments from other sources to further increase the chances of success.

Building Investments

Umbai Impact fund seeks to partner with startups/businesses that have been operating for atleast 2 years. The seeks to support startups that are off the ground and needs funds to increase sales and productivity. Startups that are profit driven and purpose driven identifying  gaps and problems on the continent and solving them through business innovation and commitment. 

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Satisfied Clients
Offices Globally
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Talent Employees
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Years Experience

How Umbai Impact
can help you

Umbai Impact creates spaces for young Africans with business ideas to connect with financers.

  • Selling equity of the company.
  • Access to extra working capital to grow the business.
  • Business mentoring support.
  • Business gets access to a loan and pays back the loan with interest.
  • Limits ownership dilution and protects equity ownership of the business.
  • Business mentoring support.

Umbai Impact also provides Advisory and Consultancy services to individuals, Non-Governmental Organizations, social enterprises, small medium enterprises, public and private sector in diverse business and social sectors that seek to address challenges in multi-sectors.

  • Through individual  philanthropist
  • Engaging donor, NGO innovative funds.
  • Tracking and reporting fund social impact.
  • Business mentoring support.

Who we work with

We work with national, regional, global investors with an interest in solving problems on the continent through business innovation. Umbai Impact Fund creates spaces for young Africans with business ideas to connect with financers through various means; meetup with potential investors and pitch their businesside as, receive funds through equity, debt financing, access to philanthropists and diaspora.

Featured Clients

Portfolios may be held by individual investors or managed by financial professionals, hedge funds, banks and other financial institutions.

Blossom Themes jump-starts growth with high conversion rate

How We Helped

B2B Go-to-Market

Why Choose

We are anchored by our 4 core values.


Imbedded in the African belief of Hunhu, Ubuntu the Bantu term for Humanity “I am because we are” and our belief in the Africa we want, we value


We acknowledge our responsibility to partner, collaborate and support startups and SMEs to achieve their set goals and reach the intended collective impact for a better continent


In all our engagement we conduct with mutual respect acknowledging the importance of working together as equals to build a shared vision or shared value and achieve the ultimate goals of successful impactful businesses


We uphold our end of the bargain and deliver for the investor and the investee.

What our Clients
say about us

A customer (sometimes known as a client, buyer, or purchaser) is the recipient of a good, service, product or an idea.

Our Leadership
and People

Fanikiso Makata

Managing Partner

John Doe

Higher Education Practice
Leader, CPA, MBA

Tonderai Basera

Principal, CFA, CLP

Featured Press

A press release is a short, compelling news story written by a public relations professional and sent to targeted members of the media.

Ready to Talk?

We are looking forward to hearing from innovative small businesses and start ups within various economic sectors in Africa. 

Send us a message