Business Sector
While many are facing difficult times, business does not stand still. Solid financial and tax planning are needed now more than ever.
According to UNICEF, Africa will be home to a billion children and adolescents under 18 years of age, almost 40 per cent of all children and adolescents in the 0- 18 age group worldwide.
The young African population requires good quality education to ensure a workforce that is qualified for the development of the African continent.
This human capital, if well managed is a great asset to the continent and there is need to finance innovations that address the current challenges in the education sector and promote the education of African children at scale.
Good quality education that is future proof and fit for purpose increases economic productivity over time as more young people are educated and occupy or create jobs within their economies.

Ready to Talk?
We are looking forward to hearing from innovative small businesses and start ups within various economic sectors in Africa.