Business Sectors
Renewable Energy
While many are facing difficult times, business does not stand still. Solid financial and tax planning are needed now more than ever.
Africa is a country with huge renewable energy resources potential yet their exploitation to address energy poverty remains minimal due to socio-economic challenges.
The primary energy source for cooking firewood with more than 60% of the population using firewood and charcoal as a source of cooking fuel.
The urban population have relative access to electrical energy while energy options in the rural areas remains limited. This exerts pressure on natural resources as the cooking methods are inefficient and contribute to environmental degradation due to deforestation.
Nonrenewable energy such as coal is not ideal as it contributes to greenhouse gas emissions while the hydropower option is negatively affected by rainfall variations due to climate change.
Energy is critical for the continent’s economic growth and Umbai Impact Fund will support innovate renewable energy solutions that can be replicated especially in rural areas.
Renewable energy can be used to transform rural livelihoods and especially the lives of women, youth in rural economy in a sustainable manner uplifting livelihoods and improve access to basic service by both rural and urban populations

Ready to Talk?
We are looking forward to hearing from innovative small businesses and start ups within various economic sectors in Africa.